Our Mission
We serve as a resource and action center for progressive activism, seeking to develop and nurture the growing community of people who work to create and participate in a just, peaceful, and non-violent society, one that ensures human rights for all people and ensures the continuation of, and respect for, all life on earth.
Our Mission
We serve as a resource and action center for progressive activism, seeking to develop and nurture the growing community of people who work to create and participate in a just, peaceful, and non-violent society, one that ensures human rights for all people and ensures the continuation of, and respect for, all life on earth.
Founded in 1957
The San Jose Peace and Justice Center was founded by individuals profoundly concerned about peace and justice issues, especially the growth of nuclear arsenals and atmospheric nuclear testing.
More than sixty years later, the Peace and Justice Center, along with our affiliated organizations continues to empower the local community and work towards a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Principles of Unity

We strive to promote cooperation and united action between organizations working for progressive social change. Recognizing differences in political strategies and priorities between affiliated groups, SJPJC provides an arena for building unity within diversity.

We seek to contribute toward building a just and sustainable society in which the gross and obscene concentration of corporate power and personal wealth is overcome by the achievement of basic economic rights for all: secure jobs at living wages; decent, affordable housing and public transit; adequate food and clothing; universal health care; quality education; a safe, clean environment; sustainable food production; and protection from economic insecurity caused by disability, old age, sickness, accident or unemployment. We support workers’ rights to organize, to collective bargaining, to strike without the threat of reprisals or replacement, to safe and healthy working conditions, and to a living wage, a pension and benefits.

We are committed to the principle of human equality and struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression. We support full rights for immigrants and oppose the scapegoating and repression directed against immigrants, particularly immigrants of color.

We support struggles against militarism and the culture of violence that permeates our society. We oppose military intervention and interference abroad, economic coercion, colonialism and neo-colonialism, and political interference in the sovereign affairs of other nations, including the indigenous Native nations within our own borders.

We encourage creative models of community organizing and action and promote shared leadership and decision-making. We promote the sharing of resources including knowledge, skills, and equipment. We are democratic, inclusive, and respectful in our dealings with one another, making room for constructive criticism and honest disagreement. We recognize that a prerequisite for participation in the decision-making process is the contribution of an individual’s labor to the group.
Principles of Unity
We strive to promote cooperation and united action between organizations working for progressive social change. Recognizing differences in political strategies and priorities between affiliated groups, SJPJC provides an arena for building unity within diversity.
We seek to contribute toward building a just and sustainable society in which the gross and obscene concentration of corporate power and personal wealth is overcome by the achievement of basic economic rights for all: secure jobs at living wages; decent, affordable housing and public transit; adequate food and clothing; universal health care; quality education; a safe, clean environment; sustainable food production; and protection from economic insecurity caused by disability, old age, sickness, accident or unemployment. We support workers’ rights to organize, to collective bargaining, to strike without the threat of reprisals or replacement, to safe and healthy working conditions, and to a living wage, a pension and benefits.
We are committed to the principle of human equality and struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression. We support full rights for immigrants and opposes the scapegoating and repression directed against immigrants, particularly immigrants of color.
We support struggles against militarism and the culture of violence that permeates our society. We oppose military intervention and interference abroad, economic coercion, colonialism and neo-colonialism, and political interference in the sovereign affairs of other nations, including the indigenous Native nations within our own borders.
We encourage creative models of community organizing and action and promotes shared leadership and decision-making. We promote the sharing of resources including knowledge, skills and equipment. We are democratic, inclusive and respectful in our dealings with one another, making room for constructive criticism and honest disagreement. We recognize that a prerequisite for participation in the decision-making process is the contribution of an individual’s labor to the group.
We Provide
Space and resources for individuals and organizations to meet, mobilize and organize. Our space is available for groups up to 30 people. Additional resources, whiteboards, TVs, audio equipment, etc, are available and setup can be arranged.
Publicity mechanisms such as a weekly calendar of progressive events in the South Bay, presence on social media and a website.
public forums
Public forums for education and creative action, including teach-ins, film showings, book discussion groups, and mass demonstrations.
The Collins Foundation
The Collins Foundation

Dan Mayfield | Board Chair

Charlotte Casey | Treasurer
The Collins Foundation was founded in 1985 to support the San Jose Peace & Justice Center by providing its non-profit status and by owning and maintaining the Collins House at 48 S. 7th St. in San Jose, California where the Peace & Justice Center has its office.
The Collins Foundation provides a movement home for diverse progressive groups and community members striving to build solidarity and create a more equitable, sustainable and just society.We are a grassroots organization committed to providing infrastructure and support for social movements for peace, human rights, an equitable economy, and racial and gender justice.Our principal projects are the San Jose Peace and Justice Center and the Collins House that we maintain as a gathering place for all progressive groups. (Jaunaury 2021)
The Foundation accepts tax-deductible donations as well as volunteers. Both are needed to maintain the interior and exterior of the building. Please help to provide a space to promote peace and justice in the Santa Clara Valley. With your help we can continue to foster the vital work that makes the world a better place.
To reach someone for Collins Foundation, please call (408) 297-2299 or email coordinator [at] sanjosepeace [dot] org. You can also email the board directly at collinsfoundation [at] sanjosepeace [dot] org.
Collins Foundation is an California nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 77-0083506.
Download the W-9 form for The Collins Foundation here.