Ugly Laws and Today's Ableism

CW: historical trauma, ableism . . . . Alt Text: Image from Modern Disability 2015. An old fashioned white policeman with a gun, and the text “There were once ‘ugly laws’ in several American cities in which persons with ‘unsightly or disgusting’ disabilities could be subject to a fine for…

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Understanding the Difficulties in Venezuela

By Tyler, SJPJC Intern   Many years ago, I was given an assignment to write about a random news article for one of my classes. The article I chose was clearly an opinion piece detailing how then President Hugo Chávez was effectively the dictator of Venezuela. Because I did not…

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How to Identify Media Bias in News Sources

It’s no secret in 2019 that objective media sources are being drowned out by outlets producing extremely subjective content or even “fake” news. No matter how aware of the problem we are, it’s not always easy to identify which sources are fact-driven and which are dangerously biased. In reality, it’s…

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The San Jose Peace & Justice Center, a resource center for progressive activism in the South Bay, is seeking a part-time bookkeeper. Organization Background The San Jose Peace and Justice Center (SJPJC) was founded in 1957 and operates out of the Collins House, one half block from SJSU. We provide space…

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Support Public Bank in San Jose (3/19/2019)

Message from Jake Tonkel. We NEED EVERYONE'S HELP on TUESDAY March 19th! It has been an amazing week for the public banking movement. Assemblymembers Chiu (SF) and Santiago (LA) introduced AB 857, the Public Banking Bill. That was a major step forward to making the establishment of local and regional…

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Collins House Accessibility

Transit information: The San Jose Peace & Justice Center is one block north from San Jose State University and two blocks east from San Jose City Hall. There are six bus stops within two blocks of SJ P&J Center (lines 17, 22, 23, 63, 64, 65, 72, 73, 81, 522).…

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Los Angeles Teacher Protests

This blog was written by Luca, an Intern at San Jose Peace & Justice Center. Teachers, students, and residents of Los Angeles have taken to the streets to protest against the many problems that are affecting their public schools. The lack of financial resources for the school districts of LA…

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Support Peace

December 18, 2018 Dear Friends, We’re witnessing growing progressive activism across the country—from the election of progressive candidates to the House of Representatives to the wave of Red State teachers’ strikes earlier this year. Here in the South Bay, at the end of last year we pledged to strengthen the…

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Migrant Caravan

By SJPJC Intern Kathya      The migrant caravan is heading towards the United States and Mexico Border. President Donald Trump has already sent out 5,200 troops to the border1. The migrant caravan originally started with 160 people from Honduras. As they made their 2,095 mile trip, more people joined them.…

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