A message from the Ecumenical Peace Institute and Livermore Conversion Project
Virtual Worship & Witness focused on the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory
April 15, 2022, 8 am – Gather online at 7:45 am
For Zoom and Facebook Information, visit www.epicalc.org.
Rev. Allison Tanner: Preacher
Marylia Kelley: Report
Betsy Rose, Silvia Brandon-Perez, Daniel Zwickel: Music
Zara Anwar, Carla De Sola: Sacred Dance
Dear friends who share a vision of justice and peace:
We are writing to ask for your support for the upcoming Good Friday service of worship and witness to be focused on the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab.
Livermore Lab was founded to develop the hydrogen bomb. New weapons of mass destruction are still designed there. For more than 35 years, people of faith and others concerned about the ongoing proliferation of nuclear weapons have gathered on Good Friday outside the Livermore Laboratory. We strive for the healing of all nations. We envision and work for repair, reconciliation, restoration, transformation.
The Good Friday witness at the Livermore Lab has been held every year since 1983. This year’s service will again be held via Zoom and Facebook, for most of us. Find the links at www.epicalc.org. A few of us will be present in person, maintaining social distancing, at the lab’s west gate. We will have a symbolic Street Theatre and a rich liturgical program. There will be no civil disobedience or community gathering.
We invite your virtual participation in this event, your financial support, and, if possible, your organization’s co-sponsorship. Donations can be made by check or by PayPal online, using the donate button on the EPI website. Please indicate if your contribution represents organizational co-sponsorship. If not, please let us know your affiliation for future networking.
Please write “Good Friday” or “Livermore” on the memo line of your check. Mail donations to:
Ecumenical Peace Institute
PO Box 9334
Berkeley, CA 94709
Signed by Carolyn S. Scarr, Ecumenical Peace Institute
Carl Anderson, Livermore Conversion Project
Sponsored by Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC and Livermore Conversion Project
(510) 990-0374 or (510) 435-0305