Dear friends of the Peace & Justice Center,
This year has been one of innumerable challenges. As we reach out to you through our Fall message, we hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. Despite the ongoing global pandemic we have seen powerful movements develop around the defense of human rights, and the continued support of community members like you are what keep these movements going.
During this unprecedented time, we have learned that together we are stronger. As we confront these changes, our Peace and Justice Center has focused on moving forward and growing with those around us. We are actively engaged in supporting organizers and protests during the Black Lives Matter movement. We continue to provide advice and mentorship to new community organizations while furthering their goals. We are hosting ongoing virtual events, including monthly Create-In-Place events to offer a space for art therapy and social connection!
Individual donors fund almost 100% of our education and advocacy initiatives, so we are calling on you to support our ongoing community-building efforts. We need YOU to be a monthly Sustaining Donor! With a contribution of just $5 or $10 per month, you will contribute to positive, progressive change in the Center and the local community. We understand that this is a time of uncertainty, and a donation of any form would make a difference.
Your donations would help support the Center as we strive toward a more equitable, regenerative society and promote local movements, as well as the development of our new Special Committee. As this group fulfills their purpose of evolving the Center into a more active and present organization within the San José community, your donation would help support these necessary changes, including new technology and greater outreach.
Please mail a check to San José Peace and Justice Center, 48 S. 7th Street, San José, CA 95112, or go to our online donation portal to donate: Call us at 408-297-2299 if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing support and generosity! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
In Peace,
Michele Mashburn, Director
Tara McHugh, Coordinator
Karla, SJSU Intern