The People’s Ceasefire Resolution was drafted by a diverse multiracial/faith/generational coalition of community members of all backgrounds. Language was adapted from existing Resolutions passed around the U.S., including in Richmond, Cudahy, Oakland, Alameda County Democratic Central Committee Resolutions that were passed, as well as demands adapted from Bay Area Labor for Palestine. We have also included language from the lawsuit that the Center for Constitutional Rights filed in federal court against President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and Secretary of Defense Austin for U.S.’s complicity and failure to prevent Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians.
VISION: After exhausting all possible avenues and efforts to move your City/County Council, School Board, State bodies* etc. to take a stand on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, or otherwise adequately address or reflect the urgency of the situation, The People’s Res is offered as a tool to hold decision makers accountable for their complicity, responsibility and role in the heinous crimes taking place in our name, with our Federal tax dollars and weapons. The People’s Resolution is intended as an organizing tool for every day people against the genocide taking place – to reclaim our voice, power and narrative at the local/state levels and affirm our Support and Solidarity with the Palestinian People; as well as to continue building our power, potential and momentum in the short and long term to reach the federal level and beyond.