The City of San Jose Apologizes for Past Injustices Against Chinese Immigrants

Image of the a lot of people at the ceremony in San Jose at the Circle of Palms.
Ceremony at Circle of Palms

by Len Tsou

On September 28, the City of San Jose held a historic ceremony at the Circle of Palms, commemorating the City Council Resolution apologizing for the City’s role in the acts of injustices against Chinese Immigrants and their descendants. Councilmember Raul Peralez, who initiated the Resolution, opened the ceremony.  Mayor Sam Liccardo read the resolution.  Speakers included Connie Young Yu and Gerrye Wong, whose ancestors lived in San Jose Chinatown, and other elected officials.  

Photos from the event taken by Len and Nancy Tsou:

The memorandum and resolution, issued by the City are at this link:

The memorandum in particular cites the numerous “acts of fundamental injustice and discrimination” against Chinese immigrants and the many ways in which “Chinese immigrants were met with virulent racism, xenophobia and the violence of anti-Chinese forces.”