My name is Lucy Geever-Conroy, I’m your neighbor living here in San José CA. I need your help in making Medicare for all, single-payer healthcare, a reality.
Did you know that the USA is the only rich country in the world to not provide full medical coverage to everyone? In many countries there are no deductibles, no co-pays, no hospital bills, no out of network situations, no prescription drug costs, because everything is included in their national, people centered, healthcare programs.
For many of us in the USA, we have healthcare and/or medical insurance nightmare stories. I suspect you may have your own, and/or you know someone who does.
In the current tragedy of pandemic and economic collapse, there should be no way to deny that our profit-first medical insurance system has utterly failed to meet our needs. But the profit-first propagandists will sing a different narrative. They will tell the big lie, that a single payer system will lead to disaster. They will fight us every step of the way. Yet we know that this profit-first failure offers us an opportunity to usher in a single payer system that will include everyone. Let’s pick up this challenge, and push until we meet our objective.
Locally, I am working with the Santa Clara County Single Payer Health Care Coalition ( and the Silicon Valley chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America healthcare working group ( On the state and national levels, we are working with National Nurse United
We believe that healthcare is a human right. Our goal is to bring single payer medical care to every person in California, then to everyone in the nation.
We need your help.
Will you help? Will you converse with me about our efforts? And more than that, will you make the commitment to do a little work? When we all do a little, it adds up to massive!
Specifically, will you do any of the following:
-Will you commit to show up for constituent meetings with our politicians, and the attending preparation meetings? This is a very important ask. When we show up, en masse, our civil servants are more likely to take us seriously and help us get what we need.
-Will you attend an occasional online educational/health justice dialogue forum?
-Will you commit to signing a petition? At the following link, you will find a short video that explains what we mean via Single Payer Healthcare/Medicare for All. This petition asks Governor Gavin Newsom to Lead on Medicare for All, to put his actions where his mouth is:
Governor Newsom — Lead on Medicare for All! // ¡Diríjanos en Cuidado de Salud (Medicare) para todos!
Please let me know if you would be able and willing to talk with me and take action. Also, if you know other people and organizations that may be interested, please let me know.
In solidarity,
Lucy Geever-Conroy
San José, CA
Phone: 650.533.4018