Thursday, May 30, 3pm at Montgomery Theater 271 S Market St, San Jose
On Thursday, May 30, the Bay Area Council for the 2024 Pacific Summit will host Argentine President Javier Milei, who espouses an openly fascist ideology. Since taking office in December, 2023, Milei has raised the percentage of people living in poverty from 44-57% – that’s 5 million people more living in poverty. In his first month in office, money was devalued 118%, public works were suspended, gas prices rose 120% and spending on food rose 45%. Those trends continued in January, with the addition of cutting off funding of public meal center. The cost of electricity rose 200% and gas 150%.
In March, Milei eliminated labor contracts, lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor. At this point gas, electricity and water charges have risen 400-500%. In a country where food prices are equal to those in the United States, a teacher earns $400/month and a retiree $250/month. He’s attacked public education and public health. He ran on a platform uplifting the military dictatorships of the 1970’s-early 80’s, who were responsible for the destruction of the economy, repression of political dissent, including the imprisonment of thousands of people for political reasons and the “disappearance” of approximately 30,000 people, who were generally kidnapped by paramilitary death squads, tortured in clandestine concentration camps and murdered. This is what President Javier Milei admires!
Shame on the Bay Area Council for inviting him! But the people of San José say NO to Milei!