Photo: Nancy Tsou
May 9, 2024
San Jose State students have rallied and carried out a one-day sit-in on campus to highlight their demands.
Students’ Demands:
- End the Silence: Release a public statement calling for an immediate end to the Gaza Genocide, condemning “Israel” for its war crimes, and calling on US officials to do so
- Divest all University Funds and End All Partnerships from the Genocidal Zionist Entity
- Full investment transparency
- Divest from the Tower Foundation Resolution
- End the exchange program with the University of Haifa in the Zionist apartheid entity
- No more Lockheed Martin connections
3. Fire Professor Johnathan Roth for Assaulting a Protester on Campus (NOT PAID VACATION)
4. Clear Omar’s Record
5. Protect students, faculty, and staff from discrimination and retaliation for protesting and speaking out for Palestine
Support the students by emailing the Administration
Send to: sjsupres@sjsu.edu
CC: towerfoundation@sjsu.edu, judy.nagai@sjsu.edu, charlie.faas@sjsu.edu, vincent.delcasino@sjsu.edu, kristin.duke@sjsu.edu, mari.fuentes@sjsu.edu
Subject: SJSU Must Divest and Call for a Ceasefire Now!
Copy and paste the following email:
Hello, I write to the SJSU administration, and to President Cynthia Teniente-Matson specifically, demanding that the University (and its auxiliaries, as well as the Tower Foundation) immediately divest from companies that financially and materially support the genocide in Gaza. Stop all study abroad programs in Israel, as you are funding their economy and traveling to stolen, occupied land.
All universities in Gaza have been flattened to the ground. Tens of thousands have been slaughtered. Millions have been displaced. Palestine has been occupied for nearly 76 years, and this administration is directly complicit in it. PUBLICLY ADMIT THIS IS A GENOCIDE!!
You are using the students’ tuition money to fund genocide. This ends now. No money for genocide, no money for apartheid, and no money for occupation. SJSU, divest from death!