Protest “Destination Nowhere”

At 11:30 AM on Tuesday, July 20, unhoused residents and community supporters will gather at Columbus Park in San Jose to protest the City’s lack of a plan to house its residents who can no longer afford the skyrocketing rents in Silicon Valley. At 12 noon, they will march and car caravan down Taylor Street to Coleman, down Coleman to Hedding, down Hedding to Spring Street, and down Spring Street back to Columbus Park.

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Save the Date: Sat. Mar. 20 — Defund the Pentagon!

$2 billion a day. $23 million an hour. $23,000 a second. That’s the amount that the US “forever wars” are gobbling up from our national budget. According to the National Priorities Project, military spending accounted for more than 53% percent of the federal discretionary budget.

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February Angelversary: Remembering Three Fathers from San Jose killed by police in our community

Come show your support and join Laurie, Sharon, Corina, and Regina to remember Rudy Cardenas, Antonio Guzman Lopez, and Phillip Watkins. These families continue to be impacted by the loss of their loved ones at the hands of police officers in San José. This event will be held in front of San José City Hall on Thursday, February 18th at 4:45pm. Say their names! Know their stories!

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Every Vote Must Be Counted!

San Jose Peace & Justice Center is also a co-sponsor by Wendy Greenfield, Jewish Voice for Peace South Bay Jewish Voice for Peace is endorsing the "Count All Votes" day of action on November 4th at San Jose City Hall.  It is increasingly clear that we we are not likely to…

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February 15, 2003 – San José was there!

By Charlotte Casey, SJPJC Coordinating Council member Some of you are too young to remember February 15, 2003 when people all over the world marched to try to prevent the illegal and immoral US invasion of Iraq. This photo shows a rally in San José at the Plaza de Caesar…

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SJPJC and NAACP to Sue SJPD for Violence Against Demonstrators

The Center is joining a soon-to-be-filed civil rights class action lawsuit to stop San José Police Department (SJPD) from using impact munitions and other violence against demonstrators. In addition to the Center, the NAACP- San Jose Silicon Valley Chapter and a number of individuals will serve as named plaintiffs in the lawsuit, which will challenge SJPD's racial and religious profiling practices as well as its unlawful violence.

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Rise in Power – From San Quentin to Attica and Back Again

On September 13, 1971, the largest prison uprising in U.S. history which was begun on September 9, 1971, at Attica prison was brutally suppressed. 33 prisoners and 10 correctional officers were killed in the assault by New York state police ordered by Governor Rockefeller. An important catalyst for the Attica uprising…

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Defend DACA on Day of SCOTUS Decision!

Any day now the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision on the future of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that will profoundly affect the legal status of some 650,000 DACA recipients, including some 23,000 in Santa Clara County. The decision could either reaffirm the constitutionality of the DACA program or allow the Trump administration to proceed with rescinding the program.​

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