Hello Community!
The San Jose Peace and Justice Center is glad to announce that we are now open for events or meetings of fewer than 20 people to be held in our outdoor space behind the Center.
To request to hold an event, please fill out this form at least two (2) weeks in advance if possible. Once you submit your event request, someone from the Center will reach out to you within 48 hours. You will also find an Equipment Rental section included on the form, available to all members requesting to hold an event.

While we are open for outdoor events, all COVID-19 protocols must continue to be respected and used.
There can be no more than 20 people at any time in the outdoor space behind the Center.
While in the outdoor space, we ask guests to wear an appropriate face covering at all times. (We understand that there may be medical or religious reasons for people who are unable to wear a mask.) An individual who is not up to date on COVID-19 vaccines should stay at least 6 feet from others.
If you have any questions regarding space usage or need the space at the last minute, please email Joan at sanjosepeace.org