$2 billion a day. $23 million an hour. $23,000 a second!
That’s the amount that the US “forever wars” are gobbling up from our national budget. According to the National Priorities Project, military spending accounted for more than 53% percent of the federal discretionary budget.
At a time when our human needs– for Medicare for All, full employment, funding a Green New Deal – are greater than ever, it’s way past time to cut the Pentagon budget.
On the first day of spring, Saturday March 20, 2021, we will return to the Peace Corner (Stevens Creek and Winchester Blvds) for a noontime rally with masks and social distancing. To help us build this important action, contact the Peace & Justice Center via our social media or email to EndWars@sanjosepeace.org.
Stay tuned for information about our virtual panel and fundraiser event around this time. Human needs over greed! Let’s end the US “forever wars.”