Shared from Facebook with permission of Veronica Eldredge
These are the names of the 85 *known* people killed by police in San Jose/Santa Clara County from 2000 – 2020 (most recently as May 3rd, Armando Salvatierra #JusticeforMando) with likely many other extrajudicial killings that went under the radar.
Between 2013-2019, the San Jose Police Department killed 22 people. In that same time, Santa Clara PD & Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Dept killed 8 people.
In addition to current and VITAL national attention for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and in the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor, Mr. George Floyd and Tony McDade at the hands of the state, we must also KNOW and SUPPORT those families of loved ones killed in our own backyards (as Laurie Valdez says), protest, and demand real systemic change and accountability from our local government and elected officials (Mayor, District Attorney, etc)!!!
WE have the PO(WE)R.
Rest in Power
#JusticeforPhillipWatkins #JusticeforAntonioGuzmanLopez #JusticeforAnthonyNuñez #JusticeforAJPhillips #JusticeforRudyCardenas #JusticeforJenniferVasquez #JusticeforDianaShowman #JusticeforJacobDominguez #JusticeforSteveSalinas #JusticeforHarpo #JusticeforJesúsGeneyMontes #JusticeforIsaiLopez and so many others.