Its time to prepare for spring. The Arab Spring in the Mid East continues to move forward year round. Does the Occupy Movement stand for something positive or something negative ? It depends on the purpose and actions of those who are participating. Is the occupy movement directionless? Maybe. Maybe…


Kevin Cooper

The author J. Patrick O’Connor of “Scapegoat: The Chino Hills Murders and the framing of Kevin Cooper” spoke at the San Jose Peace and Justice Center about the case of Kevin Cooper who is currently on San Quentin death row. Kevin Cooper was convicted of the brutal murders of a…

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Evolution of the Egyptian Revolution

  By Sharat G. Lin Reporting from Cairo, 30 January 2012 A year ago, a million Egyptian people swarmed into Tahrir Square to demand that then President Hosni Mubarak leave immediately.  But a majority also placed their trust in the Army, which vowed not to fire on protesters. On the…


Occupy the Chance of a Lifetime? Life in a Big Tent

by Pablo Ghenis It all started in relative obscurity, a persistent protest on Wall Street with a catchy name. A few progressive talk show hosts started asking why the rest of the media was ignoring this event, even though it had grown larger than the Tea Party rallies they covered…


Mexican-Chicano Veterans and Veterans Day

After WWII, Senator Dennis Chavez (New Mexico) said, “When we march off to war, we are Americans; but upon our return, we are merely Mexicans.” These words are just as true now on this Veterans Day as they were then. Regardless of national origin, Mexican-Chicanos have bled and died for…


Time For Historical Lesson on Mexican Migration into U.S.

Posted in Mercury News By Arturo Villarrealand Charley Trujillo Article Launched: 08/06/2008 01:34:15 AM PDT Immigration is driven by historical and economic necessity on both sides of the border. There are times when the United States needs Mexican labor, such as during World War I and World War II, that…


Litter in, or litter out

28 August  2011 LITTER IN, OR LITTER OUT Elsa Crumpley In addition to all the catastrophes, natural and man-made, that threaten life on Earth, we must add the increasing danger from THE PLASTIC BAG.  Its usefulness cannot be denied.  But its threat to life becomes ever more apparent.  It is…


Elsa Crumpley: Must learn from events of last century

Opinion: Friday January 21, 2011 Must learn from events of last century Elsa Crumpley – My Word RECENT EVENTS in Tucson, Ariz., recall for me some of the most terrifying events in my life. From 1932 to 1936, as I attended Brooklyn College in New York, students learned current history…


Elsa Crumpley: Language Grows

Opinion: Monday April 18, 2011 Language Grows SOME THOUGHTS on language, provoked y the April 12 letter, “Use words correctly:” With worldwide immigration in constant motion, it is no wonder that grammatical use of any language gets lost in distortion and misuse. But language grows. IT becomes enriched with usages…