In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center (PPJC) is planning a virtual Climate Rally on Friday, April 24th. The Climate Rally will debut a special video presentation featuring climate experts and activists explaining what climate justice and political engagement means amidst a global pandemic and beyond.


Shining a Light…

Have we all truly been present and engaged with each other? Do we see, hear, and feel the struggles of those most impacted in our society? Why do we opt to shelter in our many places of privilege? Why are we surprised by the rampant inequities? Do we understand human needs and wants in this city, state, and country in the year 2020?

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Another Lesson with Khalilah

Like many others, Khalilah Ramirez is doing what she can to create opportunity in this difficult time. See below the video for more information on how to help Khalilah during this difficult time. Ways to support Khalilah: Become a monthly donor on her Patreon PageSupport her birthday fundraiser on GoFundMeAttend…

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Our Regular Email 3/19/2020

Please check our regular email. As we continue to Shelter in Peace, connection is important. This email is one way to stay informed about what is going on. Sign up HERE to make sure you stay in touch. If you need to talk, please let us know. Tara: or…

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Dance of Peace during COVID-19

Tips for Peace from Khalilah Ramirez!! To support Khalilah Ramirez during this time, please visit her Patreon Page ( You can subscribe to her channel for a monthly fee. You can also find Khalilah on Facebook and Instagram. She writes regularly for Silicon Valley De-bug. Glowing Magic Beauty, Khalilah's most…

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Shelter in Peace – COVID-19

The Coordinating Council and Staff of San José Peace and Justice Center made the difficult decision to close the space to all public events starting on Wednesday, March 11th. Over the weekend, it became clear that we needed to transition to working remotely. As this puts a burden on staff,…

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Leadership Commitments

Recently, the Coordinating Council (CC) of San Jose Peace & Justice Center agreed to a basic set of commitments. These commitments fulfill the basic level of involvement for those sitting in this leadership position with San Jose Peace & Justice Center. As the center operates with minimal staff, it is…

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Bay Area Solidarity Summer 2020

The 10th annual Bay Area Solidarity Summer is now accepting applications. (Deadline: March 1) Bay Area Solidarity Summer (BASS) is a 5-day political action camp to cultivate South Asian American activists, ages 18–24. It runs from Thursday, July 30 to Monday, August 3, 2020. BASS will strengthen your skills as…

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“Forever Activists” Screening

In the late 1930's, Spain was embroiled in a civil war which prefigured the conflicts of World War II.  Approximately 40,000 volunteers from 53 countries joined International Brigades, fighting on the Republican side against the fascists and Nazis. Of these 40,000 volunteers, about 3,000 were from the U.S. and were…

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