Access and Functional Needs Community Survey of COVID-19 Response in Santa Clara County

People with disabilities, seniors, parents of children with disabilities, service providers, teachers, families with limited English proficiency, and those with limited access to transportation are invited to take this survey collecting experiences of members of the Access and Functional Needs Community on the COVID-19 response in Santa Clara County.


Huge Thank You to Zanker Recycling!

Ashley, from Smiling Roots, a member of the Garden Project Amidst all of the chaos here's some good news: the community garden project at the San Jose Peace and Justice Center (@sjpjc) is continuing to grow and gain support from volunteers and local community partners like Zanker Landscape Materials (@zankerlandscapematerials)!…


Calendar Outage and Office Hours 1/20/2021

CalendarWiz Support Announcement Calendar Wiz, the program we use to enter events is experiencing technical difficulties today. Hopefully they will have it fixed soon. Office Hours Zoom closed early. If you need to reach someone, please leave a voicemail at (408) 297-2299 or email


Intern to Coordinating Council Member

Karla Henríquez started volunteering with us during Summer 2020, then interned with us through the Fall Semester. At the December Coordinating Council meeting, Karla was offered a seat on the Coordinating Council because of her ongoing commitment to the Center. Karla is an ambitious woman who is working toward a…