Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on his Birthday

Image of people gathered with a speaker in front.
2018 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration with C. Carson. Photo taken by Sharat Lin

By Sharat Lin, Coordinating Council Member and volunteer

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 91st birthday on January 15 is a time to reflect on his enormous legacy. He is widely remembered as the most important leader of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950-1960’s, his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963, and for his struggles against racial segregation and inequality through nonviolence.​

In these times of extreme polarization, assaults on voting rights, and incidence of hate crimes and mass violence, it is particularly important educate and celebrate the values of inclusion, equality, racial justice, and nonviolence that Dr. King spoke for and practiced throughout his life.​

Less well known is that Dr. King in 1967 spoke out against the unnecessary wars being waged by his own government and was targeted as a “radical” by the FBI. At the time of his assassination on April 4, 1968, he was in Memphis, Tennessee to support striking sanitation workers. So his legacy also spans opposition to war, deep state manipulations of domestic politics, abolition of poverty, and workers’ rights.​

This is the real legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which will be commemorated in the foyer of the San José main library that bears his name — the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library on Saturday, January 18 at 2 p.m. Hear about what Dr. King really stood for and how he is relevant to social justice today. The program will include a few brief readings from some of Dr. King’s most momentous speeches, multi-cultural drumming, and a Dance of Peace. Admission is free. All are welcome! Wheelchair accessible.​

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Commemoration​
Saturday, January 18​
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.​
​Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library​, Foyer
150 East San Fernando Street​
San Jose​, CA 95112