Statement Supporting Black Lives Matter Movement

The San José Peace and Justice Center stands in solidarity with Black communities across the nation and locally as they grieve the lives that have been lost due to racially targeted violence by law enforcement officials. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and Tony McDade have all been recent victims…


MAIZ Presents: Educate and Liberate Online Conference

Save The Date: Educate + Liberate Online Conference The Educate and Liberate Online Conference is an event being put on Maíz San José. Maíz is a Latinx movement that advocates and develops leadership in and for marginalized communities in San José, particularly for Latinx women, queer people, and families.  The…


What’s wrong with this picture?

By Charlotte Casey and Joan Simon, SJPJC Coordinating Council members Taken at the end of the Memorial Day Car Caravan for Peace, this photo shows people gathered in front of the Mercy Mobile as we presented a bucket in which participants had dropped donations for Community Homeless Alliance Ministry (CHAM).…


Car Caravan for Peace on Memorial Day

By Charlotte Casey, member of SJPJC Coordinating Council Memorial Day was established as a day to honor American service members who died in wars. But glorification of war has never seemed more WRONG than during this pandemic. When the budget for the Center for Disease Control ($11 billion) is only…

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Community Correspondence Email 5/6/2020

Click here to check out our most recent email! As we remain physically separated, the Center is inviting more community groups into our network and nourishing connections with groups currently affiliated with us. SIGN UP HERE to receive future Community Correspondence emails! If you have any ideas for online events,…